Aldgate is a strategic communications agency. We help companies, organizations and public figures deliver their messages. Everybody has a story to tell. We know how to tell yours.

We start by listening to you to understand your needs, and then we work with you to build a communications strategy. We construct narratives that support your organization’s development, help change attitudes and defuse crisis situations.

We write things people want to read. We know how to describe any sector, company or project, teasing out compelling themes from dry facts and figures. We craft texts in Polish and English, taking account of linguistic nuances and different social contexts. We’re experts in translating the untranslatable, conveying meaning across cultural barriers.

We know the media world inside-out. We worked in it for a long time, so we understand how journalists think, and what subjects interest them. In tough situations we’ll advise you on when and how to react to media coverage, and when silence is the best course of action.

PR & communications strategy
Our public relations work helps you achieve your communications and business goals. We consider a range of options and help you choose the best one. We prepare campaigns and tell you when and how to use the optimal combination of direct communication, media and events.

Media relations
We deliver precisely tailored messages to the media you need to reach. We write press releases and contributions that get picked up, so the news of your achievements reaches the right audience, and your point of view is heard on the issues that are important for your organization.

Copywriting & content
Our writing is concise and compelling. We craft texts for the audience you need to reach. We write research reports, news articles, press releases, social-media posts, speeches and communications to government bodies. We know how to work to tight deadlines.

Reports, analyses, newsletters
We’re skilled researchers, using open-source materials to gather information that helps you make business decisions. We prepare reports, analyses and white papers on the political and business situation in Poland, as well as specialist newsletters on global business topics.

Media training
We know how journalists work and what they need, and we know how to share that knowledge. We’ll teach you how to build good relations with the media, give great interviews and handle tough questions.

Writing workshops
We teach you the art and science of business writing, helping you improve your corporate reports, analyses and correspondence. We’ll show you and your team how to construct a text that delivers your message concisely and effectively, improving communication both within your organization and with the outside world. You’ll learn about the importance of good writing and the skills that make it happen.
We work for companies, consultancies, law firms, investment funds, research institutions and international organizations. We help them tell their stories, build their images and increase awareness of their mission. The experience we gained at top global business news outlets means we understand how the corporate and media worlds work, and how to bridge the gap between them.
Since 2018 we’ve been a strategic partner of APCO Worldwide in Poland.
We think unconventionally, we learn fast and we love new challenges. We’re an international team, and our range of backgrounds gives us a good feel for cultural differences.

Nathaniel Espino
I’m an American who’s lived in Poland for more than 20 years. At Aldgate, I write and edit texts in English. I make sure our work reads well, captures the audience’s attention and avoids clumsy translations from other languages. I’m an experienced writer who enjoys bridging cultural divides and explaining complex subjects in clear, concise prose.
I’ve benefitted from some great teachers of writing, and I now enjoy helping others learn to write – particularly when it comes to the nuts and bolts of business writing in English.
I spent 12 years as a reporter and editor at the world’s largest news agencies, Reuters and Bloomberg, in Warsaw and Beijing. I’ve edited reports for the Economist Intelligence Unit and worked in regional brokerage houses in Poland and Ukraine. My degree is in political philosophy.

Paweł Kozłowski
I came up with the idea of Aldgate and teamed up with my partners to build a firm that helps companies and organizations build their presence in the media. I prepare communications strategies and ensure that the materials we produce are well written and grab the reader’s attention. I help company representatives prepare for interviews and public appearances. My strengths are attention to detail and news judgment.
Earlier I spent two decades as a journalist with Reuters and Bloomberg, the world’s largest news agencies, where I covered the banking sector and capital markets. I’ve worked on reports about Poland’s economy for the Economist Intelligence Unit. I’m a graduate of the University of Łódź and Kozminski University.

Olga Markiewicz
I’ve had a varied career, working in journalism and academia before joining the team that created Aldgate. I enjoy digging up new facts and analyzing what they mean. At Aldgate I work on communications strategies and prepare research reports. I work on media campaigns for law firms, consultancies and research institutions.
As a journalist with Reuters, I covered Polish companies. I’ve also worked at the Institute of Public Affairs, a Polish research institute, and as an academic lecturer. I’ve done research on the political economy of Central Europe and Turkey in EU-funded research programs. I hold a doctorate in social and political sciences from the European University Institute in Florence, and have authored a number of scientific publications.


Law firms


Research institutions

International organizations



We tell it like it is. Even when it hurts.
We never stop learning.
We’re committed to quality. We hit deadlines.
We keep our word.
Aldgate Strategy Group Sp. z o.o.
ul. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich 10
00-656 Warsaw, Poland
tel. +48 601 957 807
REGON: 363164980
NIP: 701 052 53 86
KRS: 0000589947